Services: Rich collection of beautiful Sarees
Contacts: 2982 Danforth Avenue, Phone: 416-818-7155
Services: Exclusice Saree, Saree, Salwar-kamiz and many more
Contacts: 62 Mason Road , 647-773-8700
Services: Rich collection of Sarees , Salwar and Punjabees
Contacts: 1 New Town Square Plaza , 35 Karachi Drive, 647-995-8152
Services: Best Fashion Designer's Award Winner
Contacts: 204 , Spadina Road , Richmond Hill, 647-831-4876
Services: Different gold ornaments at the best price..
Contacts: 1465, Gerrrard Street East, 413-901-6005
Services: Saree, Salwar-kamiz and jewelry
Contacts: 320 A Parliament Street, 647-439-2361
Services: Salwar-kamiz, Fotoa, Saree, Lungee, and many other dresses
Contacts: 2895, Danforth Avenue, 647-772-5470